This is my submission to my very first Game Jam: LOWRESJAM 2020!


This is a first person 3d puzzle platformer where you solve puzzles while wearing a  virtual pair of red/blue lens sunglasses. By switching your view between each eye, can you locate the hidden messages left for you, and find your way past the security systems?


Mouse Movement: Look

Left-Click: Interact with objects

Right-Click: Change the eye you are looking out of

WASD: Move

Space: Jump


This game was build by me, except the following items:

(Engine) Unity Engine by Unity Technologies

(Unity Asset) Ethan by Unity Technologies

(Unity Asset) Kinematic Character Controller by Philippe St-Amand

(Unity Asset) Soft Mask by Oleg Knyazev

(Unity Asset) Background Car - Free by Kajaman

(Unity Asset) Nature Starter Kit 2 by Shapes

(Music) Mega Game Music Collection by Muz Station Productions

(Font) Press Start 2P Font by codeman38

Development log


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I was expecting an actual 3D game

Oh, one that used real anaglyph glasses (the red/blue lens ones) to get a 3d view? Great point. I think this game being low-res would have made the 3D effect not work if played with anaglyph glasses, but maybe :) I had used physical anaglyph glasses for getting the tones correct, but never tried to use them to make the game appear 3d. At the time I made this, since this was for a GameJam, I didn't want to require others to have anaglyph glasses since that wasn't a requirement for the GameJam.

Thanks for checking it out though!

Wow I loved this so much, really well made!

A very clever idea for a game as well ♥

Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed my kinda weird game idea :)